How do you make decisions? Emotions vs reason

Everyone in the odd moment of life we ​​had to make tough decisions, decisions that perhaps we would never have wanted to take. At this point we usually torn between two choices: we are carried away by what we feel or decide based on the rational aspects of the situation? It is sometimes possible to find a middle ground between what we suggest our emotions and logic suggesting. Sometimes it is impossible. So … what do we do? How such decisions?

 A very recent study, developed by psychologists at DePaul University in Chicago shows some unexpected conclusions: get carried away by emotions is not an option as bad as many think.

These researchers asked participants to take many decisions related to buying a car, the choice of apartments, the destination for vacation and even medical treatments. To simulate real life situations, was not provided all relevant information about the different options so that participants knew few details. This will create a situation of uncertainty, quite similar to what we experience every day.

 After people took their decision (in an intuitive and carried away by emotions or rationally and logically, analyzing the details), it will give you more details about the options and setting out the benefits of the decision.

 Thus, it was apparent that those taking decisions based on their emotions usually obtained greater benefits than those who chose based on the rational aspects of the situation. For example, in one experiment only 26% of people who think rationally focusing on details, provided a favorable long-term response. Moreover, the percentage of favorable decisions increased to 68% among those who were carried away by his feelings.

However, this technique proved very effective when it is needed to take rapid decisions and there were not many details about the different options. However, the results were reversed when the experiment was repeated giving you more time for participants to make the decision. That is, when you can take an easy decision, you better think.

 So … what do you have these differences? Why emotions can be more effective in one situation and not another?

The researchers speculate that when we make quick decisions, our logical mind is not very good counselor because our attention tends to focus on details that are irrelevant. However, our unconscious makes a quick tour of our previous experiences and knowledge and to extract a conclusion that is expressed through what we call in the vernacular hunch or intuition.

In other words, our logical mind needs time to think. The process of analysis, comparison and generalization takes time so we can not always find the best solution in a short time. Conversely, the unconscious would be much faster.

However, the unconscious is not infallible. So when we have more time, apply logic and reach the essence of the problem give us a better decision.

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